Announcing call for speakers for Emacs APAC (Asia Pacific) virtual meetup on #emacs ( and Jitsi scheduled for Saturday, July 25, 2020 (1400-1500 IST).
If you would like to give a demo or talk (maximum 20 minutes) on GNU Emacs or any variant, please ping me (“mbuf”) on Freenode with your talk details:
Topic Description Duration About Yourself The Jitsi URL for the session will be announced 30 minutes prior to the session on #emacs.
Here are the topics covered on the last and final day of this session,
introducing function how it is basically a custom built-in command which we define emulating ‘cd’ command using custom ‘replicate_cd’ function introducing positional parameters howto get current program name through "${0}" howto get all positional parameters through "${@}" difference between "${@}" and "${*}" howto get number of given positional parameters using "${#}" introducing shell patterns how we can use * anywhere in the filename to match multiple files howto filter filename matching using prefix with * howto filter filename matching using suffix with * howto we can use range pattern to match different characters in filenames introducing find command providing -maxdepth to find command filtering filenames through -name in find command two types of post processing after find find with while-do-done and read command providing -exec to find command a very small introduction to BRE (Basic Regular Expression) through grep command importance of ed command and how grep and sed commands are one functionalities of ed command writing shell script basic struction of a shell script the #!
Here are the topics we covered on day four,
importance of exitcode (or returncode) howto retrive last executed command’s exitcode through ${?} special variable howto use this exitcode in if-elif-else-fi command howto use case-esac command introducing ‘for-do-done’ loop how this is different from regular for loop in ‘C’ programming iterating through static values using for loop introducing command substitution through $() how command substitution can generate dynamic values for each iteration in for loop importance of command substitution introducing ‘while-do-done’ loop introducing variable expansion, what exactly means ‘$’ before a word difference between ${var} and “${var}” different way to expand variables using :+, :=, :?
Indian Linux Users Group, Chennai [ ILUGC ] has been spreading awareness on Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) in Chennai since January 1998.
We will be organizing this month’s meet through ILUGC’s Official IRC channel (#ilugc in
If Visual Presentation required, we will use (Link will be provided in #ilugc irc channel at the time of meet by the speaker who is willing to show visual content)
We usually meet on the second Saturday of every month, and for the month of July we shall meet through IRC on Saturday 11, 2020 at 1500 IST.
Todays session started on time. As usual Shrini provided free shell account to users to remote access to one of his temporary aws server for practice. Here are the topics we covered today
what is mean by default file descriptors and what are they how these default file descriptors are mapped for each command using ls -l /proc/<pid>/fd to view file descriptors mapping the /proc special directory the /proc/self special directory using ‘echo $$’ to get the pid of current shell what is mean by pid how the default file descriptors ‘0’, ‘1’ and ‘2’ all mapped to /dev/pts/1 what is mean by /dev/pts/1 how every terminal is basically a character device file resides in /dev/pts directory how you access the default file descriptors as STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR in ‘c’ programming how to do redirection by changing the mapping of these default file descriptors introducing cat command how cat commands reads standard input and writes it to standard output redirecting cat command output to a file instead of using standard output redirecting cat command input from a file instead of using standard input how cat reports errors through STDERR how to redirect standard error to /dev/null to silence cat command what is mean by pipe how pipes differ from redirection how to join standard output of one command to standard input of another command using | how to find process id of particular command using ps axf | grep <command> introducing grep command and how it searches using standard input Explaining famous “do one thing and do it well” unix philosophy how this unix philosophy shaped unix by having lot of tools instead of having big monolithic GUI applications introducing background jobs how to start background job using & how to view background jobs using jobs command how to bring back an background executing job to foreground using fg command introducing shell variables introducing environment variables how normal shell variables differ from environment variables how to view environment variables using env command how to export a normal variable to environment variable using export command why a child shell only gets environment variables, not normal variables introducing less command, how to navigate output through page by page Q & A IRC Logs
After the lessons from yesterday, we were able to make sure no random messages in #ilugc channel during the session. Also, we encouraged participants to use Hexchat or Pidgin as personal irc clients apart from using freenode webchat. We also Shrini provided free shell account to users to remote access to one of his temporary aws server for practice. Here are the topics we covered in todays sessions.
what are manual pages, how to use man command to read them importance of manual pages what re manual section numbers like (1), (2) etc.
Starting of the meet was a perfect storm. After much struggle we were able to bring back control to #ilugc irc channel and was able to start the presentation through presenter terminal in Here are the topics we covered in this session
importance of pwd command, current working directory overview of unix filesystem, directories files the / directory home directory ls command, -l option to ls command everything in unix is a file philosophy cd command three types of commands, regular, built-in, aliases with example importance of PATH variable which command stat command where unix commands are saved and how shell uses PATH variable to find the full path to the executable file of a particular command Q & A IRC Logs
In this weekend, we have a online conference in Tamil on Open Source. See the schedule and more details here
It is on live at
Date(s): From July 06, 2020 to July 10, 2020
Time: Evening 5.00 PM
Duration: 1 Hour
Let’s get into the basics of Posix ‘sh’ Shell. Here are the Topics we will be covering
Day 1: (July 06, 2020) Basic commands (like ls, cd, find, rm, cat etc.,) How shell works when we execute a command Where commands are stored Importance of PATH variable Difference between regular commands, built-in commands, aliases Day 2: (July 07, 2020) How to read manual page Compound commands, redirection, pipes and background execution Subshell execution Day 3: (July 08, 2020) Variables, Environment Variables, control structures and loops Functions Variable Expansion, Parameter Expansion, Arithmetic Expansion and Command Substitution Positional Parameters, Special Parameters and Special Variables Day 4: (July 09, 2020) Shell Patterns and find command Basic Regular Expression, grep, sed and awk commands Shell Built-in Commands.
We will be organizing this month’s meet through ILUGC’s Official IRC channel (#ilugc in
If Visual Presentation required, we will use (Link will be provided in #ilugc irc channel at the time of meet by the speaker who is willing to show visual content)
Please register your Nick in Freenode and Join the Meet at 3.00 PM on Saturday July 11, 2020. Following link can get you started with IRC