Monthly Meet October 14 2017

The next monthly meet is scheduled on Saturday, October 14th 2017 at 1500 IST.

Venue: Classroom No 1, Aerospace Engineering, Near Gajendra Circle, IIT Madras.

Link for the Map:

Talk schedule for the meet

Talk 1: Install/demo Tamil TTS

  • Speaker: T Shrinivasan
  • Duration: 30 min
  • Description: Recently, we found ways to install Tamill TTS provided by IITM donlab and SSN college of Engineering, Chennai

Here is the install script -

Will demonstrate the install process

  • About speaker: T Shrinivasan , Ebooks publisher at

Talk 2: Mini workshop using a TelegramBOT to translate strings for

  • Speaker: T Shrinivasan
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Description: Recently, we found ways to install Tamill TTS provided by IITM donlab We are dreaming about Maps in Tamil, for long time.

Imagine your mobile phone or GPS device, shows the maps in Tamil, displays the roads, interesting places in Tamil, It shows routes and says the street names and directions in Tamil while driving.

The dream can come into real as we have most of the required technologies. OpenStreetMaps to provide maps, many apps like streetcomplete, osmcontribute to add streetname and interesting places, Tamil TTS to say everything in tamil.

The major thing we need is we need all the strings in Tamil. OSM supports language tags and we can give any string in any language, along with its translation on other languages.

To enable the translation process of existing strings in OSM, we are working on a telegram bot. Now, it is easy to contribute to OSM via translation, with mobile or with web browser.

The bot will be released for public tomorrow with its source code.

It will ask for your osm username, and then for translate or verify. The strings will be translated by google translator as first step. That is not perfect fully. so, we need people to verify it,

You can see a string with its translation. Then say it right or wrong. once three people confirmed a string it as right, it will be confirmed. The incorrect strings will be displayed for translation.

Once the strings are completed, they will be uploaded to OSM using a bot account.

Will release the bot tomorrow.

Come with your smartphone. Install Indic Keyboard or Sellinam for Tamil Typing. Register at

Let us have a translation workshop for

Thanks for the team.

Dinesh Karthik - dineshkarthik.r@xxxxxxxxx Srikanth Logic - srik.lak@xxxxxxxxx Syed Khaleel Jageer - jskcse4@xxxxxxxxx Shrinivasan - tshrinivasan@xxxxxxxxx

Here is a quick walkthrough video

Here is the source code of the bot