FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions

This set of frequently asked questions, with answers, relates specifically to ILUG-Chennai, and does not answer any technical queries. The queries and answers are arranged in descending order of the frequency with which they are asked on the ILUGC mailing list and at meetings.

Please feel free to mail the web master with suggestions for further queries that may be added to this list.

1) What is ILUGC all about ?

Indian Linux Users’ Group, Chennai aka ILUGC aka ChennaiLUG, is just that, a group of GNU/Linux and other Free/Open Source Software users from the city of Chennai/Madras in Tamilnadu, South India.

2) ILUGC/ILUG-Chennai/ChennaiLUG? What gives ?

These are various terms used to refer to the user group. As far as anyone is concerned, they are all equivalent and may be used interchangeably. ILUGC is the most commonly used reference.

3) How do I join ILUGC ?

There is no formal ILUGC membership. Anyone who’s interested in what we do is welcome to join us. All this entails joining the ILUGC mailing list, and attending the monthly meetings.

4) When/where does ILUGC meet ?

We generally meet at IIT Madras. The Meetings are held on every month 2nd Saturday 3PM. The Meetings Page details more on this.

5) How do I join the ILUGC mailing list ?

Before joining in the mailing list, you must read the mailing list guidelines and visit the Archives.

The ILUGC mailing list is being currently hosted at the Aerospace Dept, IIT-Madras. Click here to JOIN.

Every day, you may get 10 to 50 mails in your mail box. If you don’t have the habit of reading mail regularly, we will recommend you to read our archives instead of joining in the list.

6) My message to the ILUGC list did not show up! Who goofed up ?

In all likelihood, you!, dear reader. Listar, the mailing list software being used, has been configured to reject HTML mail. Please configure your favorite mail user agent to send plain ASCII text, with a newline every 72 characters or so. And, please, please quote messages judiciously when following up.

7) I just discovered GNU/Linux. Could you help me install this thing on my Windows PC ?

Welcome to the club ! You, our newest member, have a long road to traverse, and many of us envy you for all the fun you are going to have. We suggest you start at the GNU/Linux Documentation Project site, more specifically with the “Installation and Getting Started” guide, and then, follow your nose.

Most of the GNU/Linux distributions come with a neat documentation (besides the ones from the LDP. Some may even be present on the CD-ROM. Read these docs. HTH. Enjoy !